Assist engineers to operate the tool efficiently using AI for tool health monitoring, predictive maintenance, maintenance optimization, and rapid root cause analysis.
return on investment
Increase tool uptime and increase engineers’ productivity
Expecting saving of at least US $20M per year across 100 tools
Customer B
Using FabAssist.AI, help find root cause and fix for tool and process issues rapidly for all level of engineers, by combining extracting insights from static and dynamic data using AI.
return on investment
Decrease tool downtime and increase engineers’ productivity
Decrease MTTR by at least 10% across all Etch tools
Customer C
(Tool Supplier)
With ToolAssist.AI, help field service engineers troubleshoot and repair problems in the tools at the customer site using Virtual Assistant “Lucy”.
return on investment
Decrease repair time by field service engineers
Expecting minimum savings of US $1M per year in engineering hours and over 15% increase in tool uptime
Interested in learning more?
For a demo or for more information, please contact us today!